

We believe that food affects the health, growth, education and lifestyle ofchildren in an extremely significant way. It is therefore our priority to give importance to the role assumed by the school canteen: it not only provides the main meal of the day, but also and above all the opportunity to get to know and experience healthy nutrition. Thus, the time of school meals is considered by us in all respects an educational moment.

The educators monitor the good progress of this important moment by stimulating the children to adopt a correct attitude at the table. Thus, the pupils are not
forced to eat, but invited to taste the food, without prejudice and without waste; moreover, at each end of the meal, they are accustomed to the good practice of leaving the tables tidy. Parents will be notified of any problems
relating’s lunch.
The menus are seasonal and follow a balanced weekly rotation. In this regard, it should be noted that the Institute uses only products from organic crops and livestock. The kitchen is inside the structure, where qualified cooks, assisted by
assistants, prepare fresh and delicious meals cooked in the oven, steamed or boiled, specially designed by a nutritionist, according to the ASL guidelines. A mid-morning snack is served (fresh fruit, margherita cake, chocolate cake, fruit tart, yogurt). The lunch meal, on the other hand, includes first and second courses, a side dish of vegetables, fruit and natural mineral water.

** In the event of intolerances and allergies or for ethical – religious reasons, the menu can be customized with special diets.


Andersen Play & Party

The service offered by Andersen Play & Party, managed with passion by our baby party Planner, Lucia, deeply inspired by the pedagogical philosophy of the Serena Andersen School, was born with the specific objective of making each party a unique experience.
Joy, play, tenderness, charm, time, perception, experimentation, exploration, discovery, knowledge.
From 24 months onwards you can access a path full of nuances.
The intensity of the commitment grows and the objectives are enriched once they reach the nursery school, divided, according to our educational plan, into four sections, marked by different age groups, which range from 3 to 6 years.
The transition from Kindergarten to Primary School is also particularly delicate, being characterized by the even more intense evolution in the growth, education and education of pupils, who will travel the new path fed by the fundamental principles of school life and by the lessons learned in previous years, especially in the Transition phase.

Extra and Services


Among the imperatives of our educational approach, the need to continually urge children to explore the external and internal world stands out, creating, moving, knowing. This certainly occurs through teaching in the strict sense, but also through the many and exclusive activities offered within our extra activities, in particular, in our afternoon courses.


The service offered by Andersen Play & Party, managed with passion by our baby party Planner, Lucia, deeply inspired by the pedagogical philosophy of the Serena Andersen School, was born with the specific objective of making each party a unique experience.


Serena Summer Camp represents a service aimed at children between 3 and 12 years of age, to spend some time with a summer flavor together, with the aim of having fun, but also of studying, albeit with the lightness that the summer brings.


A shuttle service is available upon request, which reaches different locations, for a fee. The school bus has an assistant on board.


We believe that food affects the health, growth, education and lifestyle ofchildren in an extremely significant way. It is therefore our priority to give importance to the role assumed by the school canteen: it not only provides the main meal of the day, but also and above all the opportunity to get to know and experience healthy nutrition. Thus, the time of school meals is considered by us in all respects an educational moment.


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+39 081 181 74 567

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Via Gramsci, 25 81031 Aversa (CE)
+39 081 181 74 567

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